
Who doesn’t enjoy a good party with friends and family? They’re so much fun! But birthday parties and celebrations can also produce lots of plastic waste.

What to focus on to reduce the impact:


Wedding invitations require a beautiful card, but birthday parties are the perfect time for online invites or homemade cards from supplies you already have.


Instead of balloons, plastic banners and plastic streamers, decorate your party space with homemade items. Make signs of scrap-fabric letters and scrap-paper. Make a fabric bunting that can become a keepsake. Hang up holiday lights. Use a cloth cover or let kids decorate craft paper to use as a tablecloth. Gather leaves or flowers from outside to decorate. Decorate with fresh fruit. Kids love to do this and simple really is beautiful.

Food and Drink

When you throw your eco-friendly party, serve the food on washable plates, use metal utensils and pour drinks in washable cups instead of using anything disposable. If you are having a big party, try renting these supplies if you don't have enough…and you won't have to wash them at the end of the night…Win Win!

Offer finger food like fruits, veggies, slices of cheese, cakes and sandwiches — no plates necessary!

Chill water in large jugs or make your own lemonade. NEVER buy the 48 pack of disposable water bottles.

Treat Bag

Wrap up a homemade treat in beeswax or craft paper to send home instead of buying lots of plastic toys.

Or, have kids fold their own origami treat bag to fill with candy or treats. Younger kids can decorate a small paper bag. This serves as both a goody bag and an activity.

What To Do With Unwanted Gifts

Don't just toss gifts away.


Organize a toy swap (what's old is new again for someone else)

Donate (make sure things are in good working order)

Regift (a great idea but proceed with caution)

Facebook Marketplace (ya' never know what people will buy)

With a little planning ahead, you can throw a a great party that is a little healthier for the planet even if not for you…

I mean, it is a party, after all.